
I was given your address from another inmate when discussing our loneliness and isolation sent so far from home and having all but lost our families. My story is also one of being brutally abused and neglected, not only by my family but by every relationship I have ever had. I have all but given up on humanity, concentrating on studying a degree on canine psychologically. But I still miss someone to write to, someone who might be selfless enough to visit me, perhaps reignite my interest in other humans, maybe even to teach me that not all humans want to do me harm, use me or abuse me. I sincerely hope I have found the right agency/charity who can help me heal, help knit the deep scars I hide and offer me a tentative connection with the outside word. Teaching me to maybe trust again.

New Bridge has a really fantastic history of people undertaking activities to fundraise towards the cost of running the charity. We have put together a Fundraising Guide full of information for anyone considering fundraising. You could:

  • Take part in an organised event, e.g. sporting events like a 5k, 10k, half marathon, marathon, triathlon or cycle race
  • Organise your own event, like a coffee morning, quiz, bake-off, bingo, treasure hunt, sponsored walk
  • Organise a fundraising sale, like a cake sale or raffle
  • Make New Bridge your workplace charity of the year

We would be very happy to help support your fundraising endeavours by providing branded materials, video messages, sponsorship forms, and helping to publicise what you are doing.  

Click here to download our Fundraising Guide.

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